It seems that Microsoft is still continuing in its battle with rival Apple propaganda, and after Abam of a teaser video taunting Apple and apparatus "iPad Pro", the company returned to the pugnacity of the new Apple TV.
And Microsoft had launched a promotional video for her computer "Surf Pro 4" in response to a video similar launched by Apple during the earlier promoted it to her computer tablet iPad Pro and saying that he has a keyboard and does the same performance computers, and thus it is able to compensate for the latter as it this feature has.
But this time, Microsoft irony of your device "Macbook Air" by Apple in a teaser video of 30 seconds, and compared features the advantages of her computer tablet "Surf Pro 4" chosen for the purpose of reducing the value of the Apple device by focusing on the absence of some of the features as screen tablet and Panel removable keys for installation and pen-mail and others.
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